CONTENTBUNDLE ONLY PACKAGE: Holds the ContentBundle and Relation sub-classes (extend core class GenericEntity).

 ContentBundle CONTENTBUNDLE ONLY ENTITY: This is a Subclass of GenericEntity and represents one ContentBundle (as defined in its XML representation)
 ContentBundleCollection CONTENTBUNDLE ONLY ENTITY: This is a Subclass of ArrayCollection and provides all mechancis to hold and search ContentBundles There are many native methods to work with contentbundles and link them together via your own algorithms.
 Relation CONTENTBUNDLE ONLY ENTITY: This is a Subclass of GenericEntity and represents one Relation to another ContentBundle (as defined in its XML representation) It can also hold its own ContentElement visual representation to print this relation.
 RelationCollection CONTENTBUNDLE ONLY ENTITY: This is a Subclass of ArrayCollection and provides all mechancis to hold and search Relations Please use the methods provides at the native ContentBundleCollection or AppContentBundle singleton to easyly use it.