at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.content.entities.presentation PRESENTATIONCONTENT ONLY ENTITY: This is a Subclass of GenericEntity and represents one AnimationElement of ONE SINGLE PresentationState (as defined in its XML representation) Please see the presentation identifier for the right texual xml representation of its attributes.
 AnimationEvent IMPORTANT FRAMEWORK CLASS: AnimationEvents are automatically used at ALL animation controller definitions (extended by single or double target) within core.display.animations.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.config IMPORTANT FRAMEWORK CLASS: AppConfig is EXTREMELY important! Every configuration value that gets parsed via the startup-phase 1 has a representation here! You can reach this configuration globally as it is a singleton with AppConfig.getInstance() This class also defines default values as constants that are used automatically if appConfig.xml (default) doen't provide that information! ALL PUBLIC VARIABLES CAN BE USED WITH ITS SAME TAG IN THE CONFIGURATION XML!
 AppConfigEvent AppConfigEvents is only used at AppConfig and XMLUtil.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.settingsui.tabsA visual component spark Group that holds the config core administration tab
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.content IMPORTANT FRAMEWORK CLASS: AppContent is the singleton of YOUR CHOICE WHEN WORKING WITH AppContent.xml entities.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.content IMPORTANT FRAMEWORK CLASS: AppContentBundle is the singleton of YOUR CHOICE WHEN WORKING WITH AppContentBundle.xml entities.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.settingsui.tabsA visual component spark Group that holds the contentBundle (NOT ENABLED!) administration tab
 AppContentEvent AppContentEvent are only used at the AppContent singletons within core.content.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.settingsui.tabsA visual component spark Group that holds the content administration tab
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.settingsui.tabsA visual component spark Group that holds the debug administration tab
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.layersA visual component spark EmbeddedFontSparkGroup that is used as a LAYER within the DisplayContainerWithNavigationButtons main display component! This one is used for your details page (come after your application layer switch) You'll add your childs to this one, if you want to use another layer and the auto swipelayer mechanics.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.layersA visual component spark EmbeddedFontSparkGroup that is used as a LAYER within the DisplayContainerWithNavigationButtons main display component! This one is used for your details page, BUT WITH A SPECIALITY: ITS CHILDS ARE NEVER REMOVED AND VISIBLE (AND IN MEMORY) ALL THE TIME! Choose this one if you have many elements to add per layer change! This class has functions to automatically remove all its elements after its layer is deactivated by the main display componets DisplayContainerWithNavigationButtons and his sub-classes.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.layersA visual component spark EmbeddedFontSparkGroup that is used as THE ONE AND ONLY ApplicationLayer within the DisplayContainerWithNavigationButtons main display component! You'll want to add an ApplicationComponent to THIS LAYER! This class has functions to automatically remove all its elements after its layer is deactivated by the main display componets DisplayContainerWithNavigationButtons and his sub-classes.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.content IMPORTANT FRAMEWORK CLASS: AppPresentationContent is the singleton of YOUR CHOICE WHEN WORKING WITH AppPresentationContent.xml entities.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.settingsui.tabsPRESENTATIONCONTENT ONLY Tab: A visual component spark Group that holds the presentation content administration tab
net.eriksjodin.arduino The Arduino class acts as a proxy for Arduino boards that communicate over a serial proxy, Ethernet shield or Serial-to-Ethernet hardware gateway using the FirmataV2 protocol and the StandardFirmata firmware.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.interfaces.arduino Generic Interface: ArduinoDigitalDispatcher is used to communicate with Arduinos and add functionality to the InterfaceDispatcher singleton.
net.eriksjodin.arduino ArduinoWithServo class is a proxy objecr for Firmata2 protocol and StandardPlusServoFirmata firmware (included with this project).
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.arrowsA visual component spark group that matches the UMJ style document for Arrows
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.util Helper: AssetsHelper can check if a file currently exists and throws back a bullet-proof path as String that can be used natively on both platforms (win and mac).
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.buttonsA visual component spark Button that matches the UMJ style document for BackButtons
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.buttons.skinsThe default skin class for the BackButton UMJ styled component
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.displayIMPORTANT FRAMEWORK CLASS: BaseApplicationComponent SHOULD be extended by YOU as it provides many many good methods!! You'll want to add your OWN application specific sub-class of it during the specific displayController method! Also see the displayController for samples how to to that within the overwritten methods! This component (that should be added to the appropriate layer during the display controller build phase) has 2 methods that are super to override and implement! resetApplicationByApplicationComponent gets called by the MAIN DISPLAY CONTAINER PARTENT if the component should reset automaticallY! onApplicationLayerGetsSelected gets called by the MAIN DISPLAY CONTAINER PARTENT if the component is drawn to the super the first time.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.controllers IMPORTANT FRAMEWORK CLASS: The BaseApplicationController Class is the frist of 2 controllers every application needs to EXTEND with its own ApplicationController class! This is basically a extended class of an UIComponent and THIS controller will also automatically add to your stage as a children (invisible) to give it the power to do callLater asychronous calling, especially for the startup phases.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.controllers IMPORTANT FRAMEWORK CLASS: The BaseDisplayController is the second class every application MUST extend and override a few protected functions to operate as intended.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.interfaces.generics Generic Interface: BaseKeyboardInterface is used to communicate with the Keyboard and add functionality to the InterfaceMonitor singleton.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.interfaces.generics Generic Interface: BaseKeyboardInterface is used to communicate with the Mouse and add functionality to the InterfaceMonitor singleton.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.interfaces.rfid Generic Interface: BaseRFIDInterface is used to communicate with ALL RFIDs (all manufacturers) and add functionality to the InterfaceMonitor singleton.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.baseA visual component spark BorderContainer that is simply black guranteed!
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.animations.filters ANIMATION: BlurAnimation extends the SingleTargetAnimation and provides mechanics to add a blur filter to a special target.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.content.entities.presentation PRESENTATIONCONTENT ONLY ENTITY: This holds the calibration information of an presentationelement as defined in the xml
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.content.entities.relations CONTENTBUNDLE ONLY ENTITY: This is a Subclass of GenericEntity and represents one ContentBundle (as defined in its XML representation)
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.content.entities.relations CONTENTBUNDLE ONLY ENTITY: This is a Subclass of ArrayCollection and provides all mechancis to hold and search ContentBundles There are many native methods to work with contentbundles and link them together via your own algorithms.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.content.entities IMPORTANT FRAMEWORK CLASS: This is a Subclass of GenericEntity and represents one ContentElement (as defined in its XML representation)
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.content.entities This is a Subclass of ArrayCollection and provides all mechancis to hold and search ContentElements
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core CoreVersion is a stupid little class that hold the current version numbers and revisions.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.animations ANIMATION: CrossFadeAnimation extends the DoubleTargetAnimation and provides mechanics to fade 2 targets simutaniously.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.animations ANIMATION: CrossHorizontalSwipeAnimation extends the DoubleTargetAnimation and provides mechanics to position 2 targets new on the x-axis.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.animations ANIMATION: CrossVerticalSwipeAnimation extends the DoubleTargetAnimation and provides mechanics to position 2 targets new on the y-axis.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.debugA visual component spark BorderContainer that is primarly used as a ListItem within DebugTileList to display infos of contentElements or other things...
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.debugA visual component spark List that is primarly used with DebugListItemComponent to display infos of contentElements or other things...
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.deprecatedA visual component spark EmbeddedFontSparkGroup that is now deprecated and was previously used for layer handling as core display component
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.displayIMPORTANT FRAMEWORK CLASS: The DisplayContainerWithApplicationOnly is a subclass of DisplayContainerWithNavigationButtons.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.displayIMPORTANT FRAMEWORK CLASS: The DisplayContainerWithApplicationOnlyAndNavigationButtons is a subclass of DisplayContainerApplicationOnly that also implements the navigation.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.deprecatedA visual component spark EmbeddedFontSparkGroup that is now deprecated and was previously used for special layer handling with single application states
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.displayIMPORTANT FRAMEWORK CLASS: The DisplayContainerWithApplicationOnly is a subclass of EmbeddedFontSparkGroup and IT IS THE MAIN DISPLAY CONTAINER WITHIN YOUR APPLICATION!!! It has functionality for layer handling and navigation state, switching (with animations) and resetting your application state.
 DisplayEvent DisplayEvent are dispatched only internally.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.animations.core GENERIC ANIMATION: DoubleTargetAnimation extends the GenericAnimationDefinition and provides the base algorithms for handling 2 targets simutaniously.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.settingsui.componentsA visual component spark SimpleEditorPanel that's only minimal, but useful! It's a simple TLF-editor
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.util Helper: EmailHelper is a singleton to send emails in stmp or full tls style and with various input parameters.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.baseA visual component spark Group is core to most displayed components as it embeds all UMJ-fonts!
 ErrorReportEvent These ErrorReportEvent is used internally to file error-reports and mail them.
 FailureNotFoundComponent MEDIA COMPONENT: a multilingual component will automatically display a FailureNotFoundComponent if one localized item isn found.
 FailureNotFoundComponentVisuals COMPONENT DEFINITION: The component definition as used in FailureNotFoundComponent
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.util.core Helper: An extension of the flash.filesystem.FileStream object that supports reading lines from the inherent file stream.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.base IMPORTANT FRAMEWORK CLASS AND VISUAL COMPONENT: The FlashResponsiveSymbolContainer is used to load flash exported symbols (from Adobe Flash CS6 swcs that are added into the lib and reference via their class name thats exported!)
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.content.core Static class that holds a few basic font sizes and line height parameters that are constant.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.util Helper: FormatterUtil provides a singleton to work with time strings (for videos and audio) and filename conversation (logs).
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.buttonsA visual component spark Button that matches the UMJ style document for ForwardButtons
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.buttons.skinsThe default skin class for the ForwardButton UMJ styled component
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.animations.core.base GENERIC ANIMATION: GenericAnimationDefinition extends EventDispatcher and provides the base algorithms all animations share.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.content.core This is the powerful GenericAppContent SUPERCLASS that provides the basic behaviour for ALL AppContent classes (AppContent, AppContentBundle and AppPresentationContent!) It extends EventDispatcher for basic event handling to update the parsing information of xmls and defines the algorithm for PARSING the ContentElements within a xml and setting default values for optional attributes.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.content.core GenericEntity provides base functionality for all entities like uid and methods to rewrite this uid.
 GenericMediaComponent MEDIA COMPONENT: This is a generic definition of a media component, that acts as abstract definition of a visual representation of a contentElement's localizedItem
 GenericMediaComponentDefinition COMPONENT DEFINITION: The component definition as used in GenericMediaComponent
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.arrowsA visual component spark group that matches the UMJ style document for Arrows and Text
 GlobalExceptionEvent The GlobalExceptionEvent is used internally to handle all unknown exceptions.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.util Helper: GlobalExceptionHelper provides a singleton to catch normally uncaugth errors automatically and savely quitting the application.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.linesA visual component spark Button that matches the UMJ style document for GreenLines
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.linesA visual component spark Button that matches the UMJ style document for GreyLines
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.deprecatedA visual component spark Group that is now deprecated and was previously used for debugging 2 simultanious video plays
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.buttonsA visual component spark Button that matches the UMJ style document for HomeButtons
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.buttons.skinsThe default skin class for the HomeButton UMJ styled component
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.slidersA visual component spark HSlider that matches the UMJ style document for a slider that horizontally alligned with a button (thumb) and a track
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.slidersA visual component spark HSlider that matches the UMJ style document for a slider that horizontally alligned with a button (thumb) and a track BUT IS SMALLER THAN USUAL (Vogel)
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.sliders.skinsThe default skin class for the whole HorizontalSlider2 UMJ styled component
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.sliders.skinsThe default skin class for the thumb of the HorizontalSlider2 UMJ styled component
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.sliders.skinsThe default skin class for the track of the HorizontalSlider2 UMJ styled component
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.sliders.skinsThe default skin class for the whole HorizontalSlider2 UMJ styled component
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.sliders.skinsThe default skin class for the thumb of the HorizontalSlider2 UMJ styled component
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.sliders.skinsThe default skin class for the track of the HorizontalSlider2 UMJ styled component
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.sliders.skinsThe default skin class for the whole HorizontalSlider UMJ styled component
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.sliders.skinsThe default skin class for the thumb of the HorizontalSlider UMJ styled component
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.sliders.skinsThe default skin class for the track of the HorizontalSlider UMJ styled component
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.settingsui.tabsA visual component spark Group that holds the inport/export tab
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.layersA visual component spark EmbeddedFontSparkGroup that is used as THE InformationLayer within the DisplayContainerWithNavigationButtons main display component! It defines an informationHeaderDE and informationTextDE Group (+ lineWhite) were content is automatically added during startup display build phase, if its not avoided - see the DisplayController for more information...
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.util.coreAn visual component spark EmbeddedFontSparkGroup that all applications automatically share and which provides preloader and realtime notifications and static captions.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.layersA visual component spark EmbeddedFontSparkGroup that is used as THE InstructionLayer within the DisplayContainerWithNavigationButtons main display component! It defines an instructionHeaderDE and instructionTextDE Group (+ lineGreen) were content is automatically added during startup display build phase, if its not avoided - see the DisplayController for more information...
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.interfaces IMPORTANT FRAMEWORK CLASS: The InterfaceDispatcher is a nice Singleton that can be used to communicate with the arduino and the zumtobel interface.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.interfaces IMPORTANT FRAMEWORK CLASS: The InterfaceMonitor is a wonderful singleton that centralized all input from other interfaces.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.util.core Helper: LastTimeSavedChecker is a entity to hold a date as W3C compatible string.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.util Helper: LastTimeSavedUtil provides a singleton to COMPARE and convert W3C compatible time objects from and to strings.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.content.entities This is a Subclass of GenericEntity and represents one LocalizedItem (as defined in its XML representation)
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.content.entities This is a Subclass of ArrayCollection and provides all mechancis to hold and search LocalizedItems within one ContentElement
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.util Helper: LogFileTarget is like the TraceTarget a possible destination for logs and used heavily for logging in productive environments.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.util IMPORTANT FRAMEWORK CLASS and HELPER: Use the LogUtil to get a unique LOG for your class to log it! e.g.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.settingsui.components.deprecatedA visual component spark group that is deprecated and no longer used.
 MediaComponentAnimation MEDIA COMPONENT: This is THE ACTUAL IMPLEMENTATION of the visual representation of a animation typed localizedItem = SWFs
 MediaComponentAnimationVisuals COMPONENT DEFINITION: The component definition as used in MediaComponentAnimation
 MediaComponentEvent IMPORTANT FRAMEWORK CLASS: The MediaComponentEvent is your most important event ressource to work with your MediaComponents! It is e.g.
 MediaComponentFactory IMPORTANT FRAMEWORK CLASS: MediaComponentFactory uses the FACTORY Programming Design Pattern to implement the methods to build Components out of Elements (XML contentElements!) all algrothims that can automatically build visual Components out of their textual Elements definition.
 MediaComponentHTML MEDIA COMPONENT: This is THE ACTUAL IMPLEMENTATION of the visual representation of a website typed localizedItem = .html sites or weblinks
 MediaComponentHTMLVisuals COMPONENT DEFINITION: The component definition as used in MediaComponentHTML
 MediaComponentPicture MEDIA COMPONENT: This is THE ACTUAL IMPLEMENTATION of the visual representation of a picture typed localizedItem = jpg, png, gif, ...
 MediaComponentPictureVisuals COMPONENT DEFINITION: The component definition as used in MediaComponentPicture
 MediaComponentSound MEDIA COMPONENT: This is THE ACTUAL IMPLEMENTATION of the (visual) representation of a sound typed localizedItem = mp3s ONLY!
 MediaComponentSoundVisuals COMPONENT DEFINITION: The component definition as used in MediaComponentSound
 MediaComponentText MEDIA COMPONENT: This is THE ACTUAL IMPLEMENTATION of the (visual) representation of a text typed localizedItem = plain text or TLF-markup supported!
 MediaComponentTextVisuals COMPONENT DEFINITION: The component definition as used in MediaComponentText
 MediaComponentVideoDisplay MEDIA COMPONENT: This is THE ACTUAL IMPLEMENTATION of the (visual) representation of a video typed localizedItem = mp4 preferred
 MediaComponentVideoDisplayVisuals COMPONENT DEFINITION: The component definition as used in MediaComponentVideoDisplay
 MediaComponentVideoPlayer MEDIA COMPONENT: This is THE ACTUAL IMPLEMENTATION of the (visual) representation of a video player - deprecated, no longer used!
 MediaComponentVideoPlayerVisuals COMPONENT DEFINITION: The component definition as used in MediaComponentVideoPlayer (deprecated, not used!)
 Mp3Player MEDIA COMPONENT: Mp3Player is an generic definition of MP3 functionality within flex.
 Mp3PlayerSkin skin for Mp3Player.
 MultiLingualComponent IMPORTANT FRAMEWORK CLASS AND MEDIA COMPONENT: This is MOSTLY THE ONE AND ONLY VISUAL COMPONENT you will NEED in your applications! These are preferred to make your application multilingual! It load all localized components of ONE SINGLE ELEMENTID (of the ContentElement) in one component and will switch languages automatically as soon as you call changeLanguage at the AppContent singletons at the an the AppContent singleton method getMultilingualComponent() (bundles and presentations also supported...
 MultiLingualComponentDefinition COMPONENT DEFINITION: The component definition as used in MultiLingualComponent
 MultiLingualComponentLanguageGroup MEDIA COMPONENT: This represents one layer in a MultiLingualComponent with a defined language.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.content.entities This is a Subclass of ArrayCollection and provides all mechancis to hold the visual representation layer of LocalizedItems within one ContentElement.
 MultiLingualComponentLanguageGroupDefinition COMPONENT DEFINITION: The component definition as used in MultiLingualComponentLanguageGroup
 NotificationEvent NotificationEvents are used be global exception handlers and fatal error switches to provide error information and also the capability to run anyway.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.util Helper: NotificationHelper is a singleton that can pop up Notification-Windows that are automatically overlayed and with various functionalities (quit after seconds, no action, ok, ...).
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.notificationsA visual component spark TitleWindow that can be used easily via the NotificationHelper Singleton to throw critical errors and other informations
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.buttonsA visual component spark Button that matches the UMJ style document for PauseButtons
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.buttons.skinsThe default skin class for the PauseButton UMJ styled component
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.linksA visual component spark Button that matches the UMJ style document for a button with a picture (teaser) and text (caption)
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.linksA visual component spark Button that matches the UMJ style document for a button with a picture (teaser) and text (caption) and a little special number (for schaukaesten)
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.links.skinsThe default skin class for the Spark Button component.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.linksA visual component spark Button that matches the UMJ style document for a button with a picture (teaser) and text (caption)
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.links.skinsThe default skin class for the Spark Button component.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.links.skinsThe default skin class for the Spark Button component.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.links.skinsThe default skin class for the Spark Button component.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.linksA visual component spark Button that matches the UMJ style document for a button with a picture (teaser) and text (caption) were the pic overlaps into the text (overlayed)
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.linksA visual component spark Button that matches the UMJ style document for a button with one single picture that can change via rewrites
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.linksA visual component spark Button that matches the UMJ style document for a button with a single picture and a little LUPE
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.links.skinsThe default skin class for the Spark Button component.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.links.skinsThe default skin class for the Spark Button component.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.buttonsA visual component spark Button that matches the UMJ style document for PlayButtons
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.buttons.skinsThe default skin class for the PlayButton UMJ styled component
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.content.entities This is a Subclass of GenericEntity and represents one Playhead (only used at video containers)
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.content.entities This is a Subclass of ArrayCollection and provides all mechancis to hold and search Playheads within one ContentElement (only video containers currently)
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.util.core Helper: PreloaderAndInformations is a singleton and provides useful methods to communicate with the applcation overlay to flash informations.
 PresentationComponent PRESENTATIONCONTENT ONLY COMPONENT: This Component handles all states on its own and can be added to anywhere you want.
 PresentationComponentDefinition ONLY COMPONENT DEFINITION: The component definition as used in PresentationComponent
 PresentationComponentEvent PRESENTATIONCONTENT ONLY EVENT: An event that has a state representated as a constant inform about presentationState from an presentationComponent.
 PresentationComponentFactory PRESENTATIONCONTENT ONLY: PresentationComponentFactory uses the FACTORY Programming Design Pattern to implement the methods to build PresentationComponents out of PresentationElements (XML contentElements!) all algrothims that can automatically build visual Components out of their textual Elements definition.
 PresentationComponentStateGroup PRESENTATIONCONTENT ONLY COMPONENT: This Component represents ONE single state (of multiple) in a presentation component.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.content.entities.presentation PRESENTATIONCONTENT ONLY ENTITY: This is a Subclass of ArrayCollection and holds all visual state layers of one presentationelement
 PresentationComponentStateGroupDefinition ONLY COMPONENT DEFINITION: The component definition as used in PresentationComponentStateGroup
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.content.entities.presentation PRESENTATIONCONTENT ONLY ENTITY: This is a Subclass of GenericEntity and represents ONE SINGLE PresentationElement (as defined in its XML representation) It can hold multiple PresentationStates (within a state collection)
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.content.entities.presentation PRESENTATIONCONTENT ONLY ENTITY: This is a Subclass of ArrayCollection and provides all mechancis to hold and search PresentationElements
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.content.core Static class that holds the constant AppPresentationContent tag attributes e.g.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.timeline PRESENTATIONCONTENT ONLY COMPONENT: This Class (extends ColoredScheduleEntry from external Lib) is used within the AppPresentationContentUserInterface to draw the timeline.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.timeline PRESENTATIONCONTENT ONLY COMPONENT: This Class (extends ArrayCollection) is used within the AppPresentationContentUserInterface to hold multiple objects entries to draw the timeline.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.content.entities.presentation PRESENTATIONCONTENT ONLY ENTITY: This is a Subclass of GenericEntity and represents ONE SINGLE PresentationState of an PresentationElement (as defined in its XML representation) It can hold its own (ONE) animationElement, contentElement and specialElement.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.content.entities.presentation PRESENTATIONCONTENT ONLY ENTITY: This is a Subclass of ArrayCollection and provides all mechancis to hold and search PresentationStates
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.animations.core.base GENERIC ANIMATION: QueuedAnimation is a entity class to remember ONE single future animation.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.buttonsA visual component spark Button that matches the UMJ style document for QuizButtons
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.buttons.skinsThe default skin class for the QuizButton UMJ styled component
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.buttonsA visual component spark Button that matches the UMJ style document for a button with a picture (teaser) and text (caption)
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.buttons.skinsThe default skin class for the Spark Button component.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.content.entities.relations CONTENTBUNDLE ONLY ENTITY: This is a Subclass of GenericEntity and represents one Relation to another ContentBundle (as defined in its XML representation) It can also hold its own ContentElement visual representation to print this relation.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.content.entities.relations CONTENTBUNDLE ONLY ENTITY: This is a Subclass of ArrayCollection and provides all mechancis to hold and search Relations Please use the methods provides at the native ContentBundleCollection or AppContentBundle singleton to easyly use it.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.arrowsA visual component spark GenericRelation that matches the UMJ style document for Arrows and Text down
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.arrowsA visual component spark GenericRelation that matches the UMJ style document for Arrows and Text up
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.arrowsA visual component spark GenericRelation that matches the UMJ style document for Arrows and Text left
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.arrowsA visual component spark GenericRelation that matches the UMJ style document for Arrows and Text right
 RFIDFeigEvent INTERFACE Event: Event that can handle the state of a rfid reader that is connected.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.interfaces.rfid.feig Generic Interface: RFIDFeigSocket is used to communicate over Sockets with FEIG RFIDs and add functionality to the BaseRFIDInterface.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.util Helper: RGBUtil is a entity class to handle the conversation of RGB-values from hex to unit and string.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.settingsui.tabsA visual component spark Group that holds the SAVE and XML view tab
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.util IMPORTANT FRAMEWORK CLASS and HELPER: All Saving to files of current config/content is completely done with this Singleton! You are allowed to use the methods with the null parameter.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.layersA visual component spark EmbeddedFontSparkGroup that is used as THE ScreensaverLayer within the DisplayContainerWithNavigationButtons main display component! As its name points, it holds the screensaver animation.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.settingsui.components.deprecatedA visual component mx RichTextEditor that is deprecated and no longer used.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.settingsui.components.deprecatedA visual component spark RichEditableText that is deprecated and no longer used.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.settingsuiA visual component spark EmbeddedFontSparkGroup that acts as the SETTINGS USER INTERFACE (or core administration).
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.util HELPER: ShutdownHelper is a singleton that is deprecated and was previously designed to restart a whole air application for the use of native operating system calls.
 SimpleBackgroundComponent COMPONENT: A simple component with the parameter definedBackgroundColor to draw backgrounds
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.settingsui.componentsA visual component MX! by adobe.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.animations ANIMATION: SingleFadeAnimation extends the SingleTargetAnimation and provides mechanics to fade one target.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.animations ANIMATION: SingleScaleYAnimation extends the SingleTargetAnimation and provides mechanics to scale one target.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.animations.core GENERIC ANIMATION: SingleTargetAnimation extends the GenericAnimationDefinition and provides the base algorithms for handling 1 target simutaniously.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.animations ANIMATION: SingleVolumeAnimation extends the SingleTargetAnimation and provides mechanics to change volume smoothly at sound or video based targets.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.animations ANIMATION: SingleXAnimation extends the SingleTargetAnimation and provides mechanics to position ONE target new on the x-axis.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.animations ANIMATION: SingleYAnimation extends the SingleTargetAnimation and provides mechanics to position ONE target new on the y-axis.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.buttonsA visual component spark Button that matches the UMJ style document for SoundButtons
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.buttons.skinsThe default skin class for the SoundButton UMJ styled component
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.content.entities.presentation PRESENTATIONCONTENT ONLY ENTITY: This is a Subclass of GenericEntity and represents one SpecialElement of ONE SINGLE PresentationState (as defined in its XML representation) Please see the presentation identifier for the right texual xml representation of its attributes.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.util.ziputil Helper: (used at Unzip and Zip) StringFormatter provides a static class to work with file-sizes in KB, MB and GB and Dates.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.content.entities This is a Subclass of GenericEntity and represents one Tag that is mostly used for linking certain ContentElements to RFID-Tags or Keyboard Inputs
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.content.entities This is a Subclass of ArrayCollection and provides all mechancis to hold, search and check for Tags within one ContentElement
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.util HELPER: TimingUtil is a singleton that holds the Timer for screensavers and dispatches events.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.buttons.baseA visual component spark Button that is no longer used and mostly deprecated!
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.buttons.baseThe default skin class for the mostly deprecated TouchButtonBase UMJ styled component
 TutorialTimerEvent INTERFACE Event: Tutorial Timer was a internal event, but is deprecated now.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.settingsui.components.deprecatedA visual component spark group that is deprecated and no longer used.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.util.ziputilAn visual component spark Group that provides ui-controls to unzip files.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.slidersA visual component spark VSlider that matches the UMJ style document for a slider that vertically alligned with a button (thumb) and a track
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.sliders.skinsThe default skin class for the whole VerticalSlider UMJ styled component
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.sliders.skinsThe default skin class for the thumb of the VerticalSlider UMJ styled component
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.sliders.skinsThe default skin class for the track of the VerticalSlider UMJ styled component
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.linesA visual component spark Button that matches the UMJ style document for WhiteLines
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.util HELPER: XMLUtil is a singleton that holds the functionality to work with all various XML files and dispatches events.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.util.ziputilAn visual component spark Group that provides ui-controls to zip files.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.settingsui.debugA visual component spark Group that's used to create a user interface to debug the zumtobelinterface.
at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.interfaces.zumtobel Generic Interface: ZumtobelSocket is used to communicate with the Zumtobel Light Controls with SOCKETS and adds functionality to the InterfaceDispatcher singleton.