BASE PACKAGE: Util holds all the tiny little helpers, whose make this framework such a pleasure to work with. e.g. privileges proof-SAVING, Global-Error-Handling, Zip/Unzip, Email, Logging, XML pasring, Timing, Formatting, preloading, and OverlayNotifications! Get the NotificationHelper to display a message onscreen that automatically disappears. Get the SaveCurrentConfigurationHelper to SAVE your current configuration. (simple?!?) Get The RGBUtil to convert from hex to uint to String Get the EmailHelper to send an email. Get the ZipHelper (or one of its visual components in display) to zip/unzip multiple files! ...

 AssetsHelper Helper: AssetsHelper can check if a file currently exists and throws back a bullet-proof path as String that can be used natively on both platforms (win and mac).
 EMailHelper Helper: EmailHelper is a singleton to send emails in stmp or full tls style and with various input parameters.
 FormatterUtil Helper: FormatterUtil provides a singleton to work with time strings (for videos and audio) and filename conversation (logs).
 GlobalExceptionHelper Helper: GlobalExceptionHelper provides a singleton to catch normally uncaugth errors automatically and savely quitting the application.
 LastTimeSavedUtil Helper: LastTimeSavedUtil provides a singleton to COMPARE and convert W3C compatible time objects from and to strings.
 LogFileTarget Helper: LogFileTarget is like the TraceTarget a possible destination for logs and used heavily for logging in productive environments.
 LogUtil IMPORTANT FRAMEWORK CLASS and HELPER: Use the LogUtil to get a unique LOG for your class to log it! e.g.
 NotificationHelper Helper: NotificationHelper is a singleton that can pop up Notification-Windows that are automatically overlayed and with various functionalities (quit after seconds, no action, ok, ...).
 RGBUtil Helper: RGBUtil is a entity class to handle the conversation of RGB-values from hex to unit and string.
 SaveCurrentConfigurationHelper IMPORTANT FRAMEWORK CLASS and HELPER: All Saving to files of current config/content is completely done with this Singleton! You are allowed to use the methods with the null parameter.
 ShutdownHelper HELPER: ShutdownHelper is a singleton that is deprecated and was previously designed to restart a whole air application for the use of native operating system calls.
 TimingUtil HELPER: TimingUtil is a singleton that holds the Timer for screensavers and dispatches events.
 XMLUtil HELPER: XMLUtil is a singleton that holds the functionality to work with all various XML files and dispatches events.