Holds all your preferred animation classes. Use them to fade, scale, move single OR two (cross) objects simultansiously! To implement your own animation, head to the core definition and extend the singletarget or doubletarget abstract definition...

 CrossFadeAnimation ANIMATION: CrossFadeAnimation extends the DoubleTargetAnimation and provides mechanics to fade 2 targets simutaniously.
 CrossHorizontalSwipeAnimation ANIMATION: CrossHorizontalSwipeAnimation extends the DoubleTargetAnimation and provides mechanics to position 2 targets new on the x-axis.
 CrossVerticalSwipeAnimation ANIMATION: CrossVerticalSwipeAnimation extends the DoubleTargetAnimation and provides mechanics to position 2 targets new on the y-axis.
 SingleFadeAnimation ANIMATION: SingleFadeAnimation extends the SingleTargetAnimation and provides mechanics to fade one target.
 SingleScaleYAnimation ANIMATION: SingleScaleYAnimation extends the SingleTargetAnimation and provides mechanics to scale one target.
 SingleVolumeAnimation ANIMATION: SingleVolumeAnimation extends the SingleTargetAnimation and provides mechanics to change volume smoothly at sound or video based targets.
 SingleXAnimation ANIMATION: SingleXAnimation extends the SingleTargetAnimation and provides mechanics to position ONE target new on the x-axis.
 SingleYAnimation ANIMATION: SingleYAnimation extends the SingleTargetAnimation and provides mechanics to position ONE target new on the y-axis.