PRESENTATIONCONTENT ONLY PACKAGE: This package covers the visual components of your parsed contentElement xml representations / entities of your presentationContent.xml or your presentation ui changes. PresentationComponent is your preferred container! The other classes cover the stage and manage their state at the timeline automatically (and even globally with a global timer).

 PresentationComponent PRESENTATIONCONTENT ONLY COMPONENT: This Component handles all states on its own and can be added to anywhere you want.
 PresentationComponentDefinitionPRESENTATIONCONTENT ONLY COMPONENT DEFINITION: The component definition as used in PresentationComponent
 PresentationComponentStateGroup PRESENTATIONCONTENT ONLY COMPONENT: This Component represents ONE single state (of multiple) in a presentation component.
 PresentationComponentStateGroupDefinitionPRESENTATIONCONTENT ONLY COMPONENT DEFINITION: The component definition as used in PresentationComponentStateGroup