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QueuedAnimation — class, package at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.animations.core.base
GENERIC ANIMATION: QueuedAnimation is a entity class to remember ONE single future animation.
QueuedAnimation(newbackwards:Boolean, newoverridedefaultdurationInMs:Number, newcontinueFromCurrentState:Boolean, target:mx.core:UIComponent, fromTarget:mx.core:UIComponent, toTarget:mx.core:UIComponent) — Constructor, class at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.animations.core.base.QueuedAnimation
_queuedAnimationsCollection — Property, class at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.animations.core.base.GenericAnimationDefinition
QUEUE_RESETTED — Event, class at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.animations.core.base.GenericAnimationDefinition
quit_btn — Property, class at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.notifications.NotificationWindow
QuizButton — class, package at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.buttons
A visual component spark Button that matches the UMJ style document for QuizButtons
QuizButton() — Constructor, class at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.buttons.QuizButton
quizButtonSkin — Property, class at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.buttons.QuizButton
QuizButtonSkin — class, package at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.buttons.skins
The default skin class for the QuizButton UMJ styled component
QuizButtonSkin() — Constructor, class at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.buttons.skins.QuizButtonSkin
QuizButtonWithPic — class, package at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.buttons
A visual component spark Button that matches the UMJ style document for a button with a picture (teaser) and text (caption)
QuizButtonWithPic() — Constructor, class at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.buttons.QuizButtonWithPic
quizButtonWithPicSkin — Property, class at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.buttons.QuizButtonWithPic
QuizButtonWithPicSkin — class, package at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.buttons.skins
The default skin class for the Spark Button component.
QuizButtonWithPicSkin() — Constructor, class at.fhjoanneum.dmt.umj.core.display.buttons.skins.QuizButtonWithPicSkin
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